Hearing Inclusion Provision
We are extremely proud of the fact that our school is part of Central Bedfordshire’s deaf provision for children from Nursery to Year 4. Our children have hearing losses ranging from moderate to profound. The Hearing Inclusion Provision is led by our Teacher of the Deaf, Mrs Crellin. She runs regular sessions with the children as a group and individually. The children also benefit from 1:1 Educational Communicators who support the children in their mainstream classes. We also have weekly visits from a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist. In addition the provision has a specialist Nursery Nurse who provides outreach support for deaf pre-school children and their families.
What does our deaf provision offer?
- A total communication approach to learning. All staff within the provision can use BSL, sign supported English or speech depending on the individual’s needs.
- A place alongside their peers in a language-rich mainstream classroom.
- Individualised support to enable access to the curriculum.
- Specialised support from a Teacher of the Deaf.
- Regular, intensive support from a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist.
- In-class support from an Educational Communicator.
- Acoustically treated Hearing Inclusion Provision classroom for 1:1 and group sessions
- Classrooms fitted with Soundfield Systems and access to an FM radio aid,
- Regular opportunities for parents to meet with school staff to discuss their child’s needs.
- Regular visits from an Educational Audiologist to monitor and check equipment.
- Group times to enable the children to develop their own deaf identity and meet other deaf children.
- Group and 1:1 sessions promoting learning language through listening and play opportunities.
Wider opportunities
Throughout the year we look to enhance the children’s mainstream learning through trips, visits and enrichment afternoons. These range from visiting the library, zoo or Santa to time to cook together or have an arts session. We build our experiences on fun and language. Have a look at some of the things we have been doing recently: