Inclusion Team
St. George’s is a safe, loving and happy school. Through our Christian values we aim to provide an aspirational and inclusive learning environment in which every child can light their spark, let their light shine and flourish.
We aim to provide a friendly, nurturing and happy school in which each person is valued, appreciated and loved.
In addition to quality-first teaching, a series of interventions, programmes and systems ensure the rapid progress of all groups of pupils, including the most vulnerable.
At St George’s, we believe strongly in the inclusion of all pupils in our care, regardless of their background, ability, language, gender, ethnicity, special needs or disability.
Our Inclusion Team is led by Mrs Linda Tompkins who is our Assistant Headteacher and Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO). Miss Kirsten Ferguson will be our Interim SENDCo.
We also co-manage the contract for the hearing impaired children having gained the contract to do so from the Local Authority. This very experienced Hearing Impaired Provision is led by Mrs Nicola Crellin as the Teacher of the Deaf and a team of highly skilled Educational Communicators.
All children at St George’s are supported by a vastly experienced team of Teachers and Teaching Assistants who work with our children on a daily basis to meet their diverse range of needs.
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