Lighting a Spark – Connecting our School Community
Dear Parents and Carers,
One of the suggested activities on Healthy Heart and Minds day is to design and create a star that can be displayed across the village, and surrounding areas. We thought it would be really lovely for the children to spot and count the stars when they are out on their daily walk. Most importantly it will serve as a reminder that we are and will always be one community, and although at the moment we can not be together, we will always be connected by lighting our sparks in everyone. More information and examples will be posted on google classroom. We are really excited to see the children express their creative talents.
In addition to this Julia from Toddington Village Sensory Trails has kindly put together the attached resource pack, with some amazing low or no cost ideas for making the stars. Thank you to Julia for all the time you have spent helping bring this idea to life.